The global pygmy hippo studbook
In February 2022, the 28th edition of the global studbook for the pygmy hippopotamus zoo (Choeropsis liberiensis) was published by Basel Zoo, Switzerland. It lists a total of 1677 (668.927.82) pygmy hippos. On 31 December 2021, the studbook records 452 (172.262.18) living pygmy hippos kept in 146 institutions. Coordinated breeding programmes exist in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. A genetic and demographic analysis was performed and the results compared with those from the last analysis of the data in 2019.
The global pygmy hippo studbook 2021 can be obtained from the global studbook keeper Beatrice.Steck@zoobasel.ch
Pygmy Hippo Studbooks
Common Hippo Studbooks
The global pygmy hippo studbook
The global pygmy hippo studbook 2020 has been published and can be obtained from the global studbook keeper Beatrice.Steck@zoobasel.ch
This studbook lists a total of 1634 (657.905.72) pygmy hippos. On 31 December 2020, the Studbook records 427 (167.249.11) living pygmy hippopotami kept in 145 institutions. The EEP population comprises a total of 142 (56.86) living individuals in 64 institutions.
In 2020, there were 6.9.12 (27) births and 6.9.2 (17) deaths.
This edition of the studbook focuses on current research projects, which use measurements and samples from the captive population to develop state-of-the art field methods for research and conservation in the wild. The two projects presented are
- Combining different techniques to understand pygmy hippo demographics: a unified effort between university research and zoos, by Estefania Erazo-Mera (James Cook University, Australia), Nicholas Murray, Monique Paris,
- Detection dogs for determining gender of pygmy hippopotamus dung, by Mariska Snelleman M.Sc., IBREAM (Institute for Breeding Rare and Endangered African Mammals)
The European common hippo studbook
The European studbook for common hippo has been published. To obtain it or get more information please contact janpluhacek@seznam.cz
The fifteenth edition of the European studbook for the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) includes data for 234 (91. 141. 2) specimens kept in 83 zoos to 31. 12. 2020. The number of holders remained the same as the previous year.
During 2020 ten (5. 4. 1) births occurred, five (3. 1. 1) animals died including two born the same year, and five (3. 2. 0) animals were transferred. Thus, despite the breeding stop the living population increased in size during the last year.
This edition of the studbook includes also demographic data, inbreeding coefficients, and mean kinship of all living individuals. It also contains a list of 22 scientific references involving common hippopotamus published in 2020.
The Japanese common hippo studbook
To obtain the studbook or get more information please contact the studbook keeper Ryuta Okuda (Fuji Safari Park) okuda@fujisafari.co.jp