Common Hippo Projects

To understand the social structure and interactions between hippo.

Using Innovative Technologies to Assess the Status of Key Hippopotamus Populations in Nigeria



For key sites in Nigeria, the major aims include:

  1. Assess the population status of the common hippopotamus
  2. Promote human-hippo coexistence

More about this project.

Hippos as Ecosystem Engineers: Habitat use, ecology and behaviour of hippos in an important waterbody of Zululand



  • To shed light on hippo spatial ecology, home range, and home range use
  • To gain an understanding of the hippo population dynamics and demographics and to develop a population dynamics model
  • To understand the social structure and interactions between hippo

More about this project.

Counting of common hippos, Hippopotamus amphibius amphibius, in 8 West African countries



  • To carry out the research in the rural regions with determine the zones available for hippos
  • To count all hippo populations in all surface waters within Burkina Faso territory
  • To determine all various conflicts between humans-hippos within all countries surveyed

More about this project.

Monitoring, restauration and long term conservation of Common hippo population in the Mbari and Chinko drainage, Eastern Central African Republic



  • Deduce minimum number and spatial distribution of Common hippos in the Chinko Nature Reserve and adjacent areas.
  • Active protection and long term conservation of remaining individuals along the Mbari and Chinko drainage.
  • Restoration of a large Common hippo population as a key ecosystem engeneer for aquatic communities and grazers.

More about this project.

Protection of Common hippopotamus in Luama Landscape, DRCongo



  • Support law enforcement interventions to secure hippopotamus in Luama River
  • Build capacity of rangers to better monitor hippo populations and their habitats
  • Raise community awareness to ensure long term persistence of hippos

More about this project.

Supporting conservation mechanism of Hippos in the Ruzizi River and Tanganyika lake in South Kivu Province Eastern DRC



  • To conduct a wildlife inventory for common hippos and their distribution in Ruzizi River;
  • To increase the hippos protection and conservation mechanism in Ruzizi rever and Tanganyika Lake;
  • To insure the hippos monitoring capacity building to the wildlife authority and local community.

More about this project.